Nuno Martins
ID+ (Research Institute for Design, Media and Culture), University of Porto - Engeneering Faculty, IPCA
Maia, Portugal

Nuno Duarte Martins has a degree in Communication Design and a Master in Media Art, at University of Porto - Faculty of Fine-Arts, Portugal.
At the moment, he is taking his PhD in Digital Media at the University of Porto – Engeneering Faculty, having been given in 2009 a scholarship by the UT Austin-Portugal program, under the Foundation for Science and Technology. The research project focuses on the importance of decentralized social networking systems in the fight against cancer.
Some design awards: Mascot of the Oceanario de Lisboa and mascot of the Pavilhao da Agua do Porto and Porto Digital logo. / /
At the moment, he is taking his PhD in Digital Media at the University of Porto – Engeneering Faculty, having been given in 2009 a scholarship by the UT Austin-Portugal program, under the Foundation for Science and Technology. The research project focuses on the importance of decentralized social networking systems in the fight against cancer.
Some design awards: Mascot of the Oceanario de Lisboa and mascot of the Pavilhao da Agua do Porto and Porto Digital logo. / /
Social Networking Systems and Pediatric Cancer
The Need For Participatory Media
This project draws chiefly on the redundancy and reach inherent to information and communication in Web 2.0 networks. An issue as urgent and important as cancer calls for an online platform which provides users with aggregation and navigation tools to deepen knowledge and securely share personal accounts with others. Also we see a great necessity for oncology related health institutions to get engaged in online communications, overcoming traditional institutional structures of working models opposed to the openness and flexibility afforded and demanded by participatory media.
To achieve the stated objectives we laid out a research plan that combines quantitative and qualitative methods and processes according to the following steps:
- Literature review
- Analysis of communities related to Pediatric Oncology
- Examination of Web 2.0 tools appropriate for oncological issues
- Development of prototypes
- Conducting interviews with health professionals, patients and families
Decentralized online systems have fundamentally changed the way we deal with information and do communicate. The possibility to access oncology-specific information and to interact with concerned people on a global scale are benefits recognized and used by all, granting more competence, autonomy, and responsibility in decision-making to each.
Although more general and popular Web 2.0 applications such as Facebook, YouTube, and Hi5 are already very effective, we believe that new models and tools can be developed to address the particular demands of pediatric cancer.
The horizontal models we propose specifically for pediatric cancer may also afford features such as:
- gathering and mobilizing of scattered individuals and institutions for more effective interactions
- producing dynamic and diverse content
- creating self-sustaining and self-regulating networks
- developing of personalized and coordinated actions
- optimizing knowledge and therapeutic strategies
Martins, N. (2007). Contribuicoes do Design Multimedia para o apoio a familiares, amigos e doentes na luta contra o Cancro Pediatrico. Porto: Universidade do Porto.
Castells, M. (2007). A Era da Informaco: Economia, Sociedade e Cultura – A Sociedade em Rede. 3rd Ed. Vol. 1. Lisboa: Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian.
Castells, M. (2001). A Galaxia Internet: Reflexoes sobre Internet, Negocios e Sociedade 2nd Ed. Lisboa: Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian.
Espanha, R. (2009). Saude e Comunicacao numa Sociedade em Rede - o caso portugues. Lisboa: Monitor.
Postman, N. (1994). Tecnopolia: Quando a Cultura se rende a Tecnologia. Lisboa: Difusao.
Shirky, C. (2010). Eles vem ai: O poder de organizar sem organizacoes. Lisboa: Actual Editora.
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