Sibylle Schlaich
Moniteurs GmbH
Berlin, Germany

Sibylle Schlaich received her Diploma in Design from the Hochschule der Künste, Berlin.
After working at the design studios of Otl Aicher in Rotis, Henry Steiner & Co. in HongKong, and MetaDesign in Berlin she became in 1994 co-founder of Moniteurs, a design office in Berlin.
Focusing on Information and Corporate Design, Moniteurs works for clients such as Medecins Sans Frontieres, BMW, and Fontshop.
From 2000 to 2009 she has taught Information Design and Typography at Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Burg Giebichenstein Halle, and Bauhaus University Weimar.
Sibylle Schlaich is co-editor of the books 'Look Book Information Design', 'Emotional Digital: A Sourcebook of Contemporary Typographics', and 'Erneuerbare Energien nutzen' - 'Using Renewable Energy'.
After working at the design studios of Otl Aicher in Rotis, Henry Steiner & Co. in HongKong, and MetaDesign in Berlin she became in 1994 co-founder of Moniteurs, a design office in Berlin.
Focusing on Information and Corporate Design, Moniteurs works for clients such as Medecins Sans Frontieres, BMW, and Fontshop.
From 2000 to 2009 she has taught Information Design and Typography at Fachhochschule Bielefeld, Burg Giebichenstein Halle, and Bauhaus University Weimar.
Sibylle Schlaich is co-editor of the books 'Look Book Information Design', 'Emotional Digital: A Sourcebook of Contemporary Typographics', and 'Erneuerbare Energien nutzen' - 'Using Renewable Energy'.
International Airports
Wayshowing as Identity
Sharing the experience we gained developing design rules and guidelines for the 'BBI Berlin International Airport'. Presenting the challenges of building a signage systems which has to integrate aspects of identity as well as various functions while respecting demands of accessibility and readability.
The key to the success of an airport signage systems is quite general and can be applied to many similar challenges. It is the careful and conscious integration of the task - in this case the signage system, into the overall architecture. This requires intense team work and close collaboration from the very early project stages on all the way to execution.
Understanding the architecture of the building and translating it into a graphical language it is possible to communicate the identity of the building. Airports are outposts of a city's or country's identity. Signage has to manifest this identity.
Apart from essential functional aspects such as organising and structuring information, signage systems for airports and other public facilities have to take over a identity-giving role. They facilitate access and stimulate people's participation. Unambiguous orientation is one of the basic human needs. It is the condition for the successful movement from one place to the other, contributing to the well-being of people person in private and public spaces. The purpose of good design is to transform the perception of space into coherent, effective, and attractive orientation.
We want to understand to what extent the experience gained in Germany could be translated to airports in India, namely the one in Ahmdabad.
Meuser, P., & Pogade, D. (2010). Signaletik und Piktogramme: Construction and Design Manual. Berlin: Dom Publishers.
Uebele, A. (2006). Orientierungssysteme und Signaletik. Mainz: Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz.
(2010). Left right, up down: New Directions in Signage and Wayfinding. London: Gestalten Verlag.
Bauer, Erwin K., Mayer., & Dieter. (2009). Orientation & Identity: Portraits of Way Finding Systems. Springer.
Barker, P., & Fraser, J. (2000). Sign Design Guide. JMU and the Sign Design Society.
Mollerup, P. (2005). Wayshowing. Lars Müller Verlag.
Nehl, H., & Schlaich, S. (2008). Look book, Information Design. Weimar: Verlag der Bauhaus Universität Weimar.
Augé, M., & Bischoff, M. (2010). Nicht-Orte. Munich: C.H. Beck.
Gordon, A. Naked Airport. (2008). Chicago: The University Chicago Press.
Cuadra, M. (2002). World Airports. Hamburg: Junius Verlag.
(1973). Global Architecture. Tokyo: Edita.
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