Veronika Egger
International Institute for Information Design
Vienna, Austria

As an Information Designer Veronika Egger has been interested in the usability of information and products throughout her career. At Philips Design in Vienna, where she established and led an interdisciplinary user-interface group, she developed a passion for usable solutions. Her own company, is-design GmbH, focuses on the readability of information and the usability of the built environment. An 'inclusive design' approach and measurable quality are fundamental to her design projects. She is a Life-Fellow of the Communications Research Institute - CRI, Australia and a co-founder of the Austrian ‘Design for All’ organization. She is also a board member and deputy director of the International Institute for Information Design - IIID, Austria.
IIID, India and Information Design
A brief presentation of the International Institute for Information Design (IIID), our connections to India, our values, plans and aspirations.
The International Institute for Information Design was founded by Peter Simlinger in 1989 in Vienna, Austria. In the meantime IIID has become a worldwide members network of currently around 400 individual and 47 organizational members in 29 countries. IIID endeavors to develop information design as an interdisciplinary field of knowledge and professional practice. Its main concern is to contribute to a better understanding within the human community with respect to cultural and economic issues through improved visual and other forms of communication.
Research, knowledge exchange and education are central to IIID's activities. The contribution of individual members and member organisations around the world bring cultural and professional particularlydiversity to the Institute. We very much look forward to exchanging ideas with our colleagues in India and to much fruitful cooperation in the future.
The Vision Plus Event in Ahmedabad marks the beginning of an exciting year for IIID in India. We are currently preparing an international conference on applications of mobile phones in education, healthcare and rural prosperity to take place in Chennai in November 2011. The conference is organised in cooperation with the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) and the M S Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF). It is supported by the UNESCO Participation Programme and will take place at the MSSRF campus in Chennai.